Friday, November 02, 2007

Two years later. And what's up with the spam?

Wow, has it really been two and a half years since my last post? I thought that might happen. I feel some strange motivation to start regular posts, so hopefully this will be the start of something.

I was pleasantly surprised to see I actually had a couple of comments. Thanks to TheHeffer for those. But what’s up with the spam comments? I didn’t realize they could do that.

Okay, so let’s talk boxing. Big fight weekend. We have Joe Calzaghe and Mikkel Kessler on HBO and Juan Manuel Marquez and Rocky Juarez on Showtime. Both are good fights, but I’m really excited for the Calzaghe-Kessler scrap. Why? Two reasons, I suppose:

1. Should be a good fight
2. I would love to see someone beat Calzaghe

I’ve never been a Calzaghe fan and have always thought he was overrated. It was hard to deny his talent after he humiliated Jeff Lacy last year, but he just doesn’t impress me that much. I’ve rooted for Calzaghe once, and that was in his fight against Peter Manfredo earlier this year. That choice was basically who I disliked more, and I really dislike Manfredo. So it was great to see Joe win that fight, though a clean KO would have been nice.

I’m rooting for Kessler, but do I think he’ll win? Hard to say. Joe fights to the level of his opposition, and as much as I hate to admit it, he’s a very good fighter. He has good ring smarts and quick hands. Does he still have what it takes at 35? It’ll be interesting to see if Kessler can land solidly on him and then how Calzaghe takes Kessler’s power. Let’s not forget that Joe was knocked down by Byron Mitchell a few years back. Of course he stormed back to win, but it shows that Calzaghe can be knocked down.

So what’s the call? My heart is definitely with Kessler. My head? Man, this is a tough one. I’m going to say Calzaghe by close decision. In the end, he’ll probably be just a bit busier. Having said that, I would not be surprised to see Kessler score a booming KO.

Marquez-Juarez. This is a decent fight, but JM Marquez is just too complete a fighter for Juarez. Rocky does have that great left hook, and if the fight turns into a slugfest, he could get lucky. But as we saw in the second fight with Barrera, Rocky can be outboxed. I see Marquez winning a comfortable decision in a competitive fight.

I think that’s about it for now. Haven’t checked the results of Brock-Chambers yet. I hope it was a good one. Could have been boring, though.

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